Outcome Rating Scale
Versión original | Versión española | |
Nombre | Outcome Rating Scale | Spanish-Language Outcome Rating Scale |
Autores | Scott D Miller | Nelson Andrade-González |
País | ||
Referencia | Miller, Scott & Duncan, Barry & Brown, Jeb. (2003). The Outcome Rating Scale: A Preliminary Study of the Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility of a Brief Visual Analog Measure. Journal of Brief Therapy. 2. 91-100. | Andrade-González N, Rodrigo-Holgado I, Fernández-Rozas J, Cáncer PF, Lahera G, Fernández-Liria A, Rubio G and Miller SD (2021) Spanish Versions of the Outcome Rating Scale and the Session Rating Scale: Normative Data, Reliability, and Validity. Front. Psy |
Correspondencia | Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change, Chicago, Illinois | |
scottdmiller@talkingcure.com | nelson.andrade@edu.uah.es | |
Otros | ||
Gestión | Contactar con autores |
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