Outcome Rating Scale

Versión original Versión española
Nombre Outcome Rating Scale Spanish-Language Outcome Rating Scale
Autores Scott D. Miller Nelson Andrade-González
Referencia Miller, S. D., Duncan, B. L., Brown, J., Sparks, J. A., and Claud, D. A. (2003). The Outcome Rating Scale: a preliminary study of the reliability, validity, and feasibility of a brief visual analog measure. J. Brief Ther. 2, 91-100. Andrade-González N, Rodrigo-Holgado I, Fernández-Rozas J, Cáncer PF, Lahera G, Fernández-Liria A, Rubio G, Miller SD. Spanish Versions of the Outcome Rating Scale and the Session Rating Scale: Normative Data, Reliability, and Validity. Front Psychol. 2021
Correspondencia PO Box 578264, Chicago, IL 60657- 8264
E-mail scottdmiller@talkingcure.com nelson.andrade@edu.uah.es
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